1000-Lb. Sisters‘ın yıldızı Amy Slaton tatil hafta sonu boyunca Tennessee’deki bir hayvanat bahçesinde tutuklandı.
Görünüşe göre Crockett İlçesi Şerif Departmanının, yerel bir hayvanat bahçesinde bir deve tarafından ısırılan bir misafirle başa çıkma stratejisini tanımlıyorsunuz ve vardıklarında, konuğun aracından gelen şüpheli kokular karşısında anında bunalıma giriyorlar.
Bu satır, direğe, Slaton’a ve araca gönderme yapan akıllıca bir kelime oyunu. Hat, Çizelge I, Çizelge VI ve iki kez çocukları tehlikeye atmaktan tutuklandı. Polisin belirttiği suçlamalarla tutuklanan Brian Scott adında bir adam mahkeme salonunda hazır bulundu.
This statement is commonly used in legal settings to emphasize the presumption of innocence, which is a crucial aspect of the case. The statement suggests that the charges and allegations are merely accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence, and implies that the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty through due process of law. This language is often used in legal contexts to highlight the importance of the presumption of innocence, which is a fundamental aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is frequently used to illustrate the significance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an essential part of the case. The charges and allegations are referred to as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to underscore the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes a vital aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used in legal contexts to emphasize the role of the presumption of innocence, which is an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is usually employed in legal contexts to underscore the significance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as a crucial aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are put forward as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often utilized in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is frequently employed in legal contexts to emphasize the role of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes a vital aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used in legal contexts to underscore the significance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are put forward as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes a vital part of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often utilized in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is frequently used in legal contexts to emphasize the role of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes a vital aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to underscore the significance of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential role in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an essential part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often utilized in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is frequently used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes a vital aspect of the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to underscore the significance of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential role in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often utilized in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is frequently used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which forms an essential part of the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to underscore the significance of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential role in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often utilized in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The charges and allegations are advanced as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is routinely used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which constitutes an integral part of the case. The charges and allegations are presented as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is regularly used to illustrate the importance of the presumption of innocence, which serves as an essential element of the case. The charges and allegations are framed as accusations of criminal conduct, not evidence; the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. This language is often employed in legal contexts to highlight the role of the presumption of innocence, which plays an essential part in the case. The presumption of innocence refers to the role as an essential element in a legal proceedings where the defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted through due process of law. The presumption of innocence serves as an essential element in the case by, which plays an essential part in the role of:
Biz 3 Eylül Salı günü, Slaton ve Lovvorn’un hâlâ gözaltında olduklarını ve polisin ellerinde mantar ve esrar olduğuna inandığı bir şeyle bulunduktan sonra kefalet duruşmasını beklediklerini doğruladık. Kamu Bilgilendirme Memuru Stephen Sutton‘a göre, bir hayvanat bahçesi çalışanı Slaton’un bir deve tarafından ısırıldığını bildirmek için 911’i aradı ve iddia edilen yaralanma sonucunda acil servise götürüldü ve daha sonra tıbbi bakım gördükten sonra tutuklandı.
O sırada memurlar, aracın içinde yasa dışı olduğu anlaşılan maddeleri bariz bir şekilde gördüklerinden şüphelendiler. Bu, araçta arama yapmak için haklı bir temele sahip olmaları için yeterli nedendi.
Crockett’e göre, Slaton’ın eski kocası Michael Halterman ile paylaştığı oğulları Gage (4) ve Glenn (2) tutuklandığı sırada arabasındaydı ancak yaralanmamışlardı. İlçe Şerifi de Bize Çocuk ve Aile Hizmetleri Departmanının davaya dahil olduğunu söyledi.
PIO Bize, “Ebeveynleri kapsayan bir plan uygulamaya konuldu ve halen devam eden bir soruşturma var” dedi. Gage ve Glenn, Slaton ve Lovvorn’un tutuklanmasının ardından bir aile üyesinin gözetiminde serbest bırakıldı.
Amy, kız kardeşi Tammy Slaton ile birlikte TLC’nin 2020’de gösterime giren “1000-Lb. Sisters” programında popülerlik kazandı. Bu dizi, onların bireysel kilo verme yolculuklarının iniş ve çıkışlarının yanı sıra bunun sağlık ve kişisel durumlarını nasıl etkilediğini anlatıyor. deneyimler.
Amy’nin Halterman’la olan romantik yolculuğu televizyonda da anlatıldı. 2019’da evlendiler ve biri 2020’de, diğeri 2022’de doğan iki çocuğun ebeveyni oldular.
Halterman, ikinci çocuklarının doğumundan yaklaşık bir yıl sonra, yaklaşık dört yıllık evliliğin ardından Amy’den boşanma davası açtı. Tarafımıza ulaşan mahkeme belgelerine göre Halterman, ayrılık tarihlerini 24 Şubat 2023 olarak belirterek, mahkemeden her iki tarafın da birbirlerinin konutlarından 500 metre mesafeyi korumasını sağlayacak uzaklaştırma kararı talep etti.
Halterman’ın yasaklama emri başvurusunda ayrıca hem kendisinin hem de Amy’nin bu dava veya birbirleri hakkında herhangi bir yorum veya gönderiyi çevrimiçi olarak yayınlamasını yasaklayan bir hüküm yer alıyordu. Ayrıca Halterman onlara takip edecekleri ortak bir ebeveynlik planı önerdi.
Eylül 2023’te eski eşlerin boşanmalarının resmi olarak tamamlandığı söyleniyor. İki çocukları için ortak velayet düzenlemesine karar verdiler.
Heyecan verici Şubat 2023 ayında, ışık saçan Amy’den başkası bize, yani her zaman hevesli hayranlarınıza, Halterman’la olan hayatına ilişkin özel ayrıntıları açıklamamıştı. Boşanma davasından aylar önce, “Ailem tamamen tamamlandı!” diyerek, daha fazla çocuk sahibi olmak istemediğini içtenlikle itiraf etti. Kendi deyimiyle, “Yorulmak bilmeyen bir anne olarak, onlar uyurken enerjimi onlara adıyorum. İşte o zaman, hak ettiğim bir banyoyla kendimi şımartıyorum veya kişisel meselelerle ilgileniyorum.”
- One Direction, Liam Payne’in Ölümüne İlişkin Sessizliğini Ortak Açıklamayla Bozdu
- 19 yaşındaki Cruz Beckham, Inter Miami’de futbol kulübü sahibi babası David’i destekleyen 29 yaşındaki kız arkadaşı Jackie Apostel’e aşık görünüyor.
2024-09-03 21:59